Antique print dated 1895.
The page is over 115 years old and in good condition.
In order to enhance and protect the page we have set in within a bespoke frame and mount.
Frame size 400mm x 370mm. available also in a
gold frame, your choice. RtW.237.
Entitled – Buenos Ayres. Opening of Congress.
From a Photo by Moody, Buenos Ayres.
Below the picture an inscription reads:
Buenos Ayres. – Very cosmopolitan are the crowds in the streets of pleasure-loving Buenos Ayres.
Most people are dressed in European fashion, but large numbers of Basques and Italians wear their national costumes; moreover, the poorer classes of the Argentine women still wear the picturesque mantilla.
The narrowness of the streets and the large number of vehicles of every description cause frequent stoppages to traffic, which is very imperfectly regulated by the police, who number 3,375 officers and men.
There are about 8,500 vehicles in the city, of which, perhaps, 1,000 are private carriages.
Living is very dear in Buenos Ayres; for a house worth £50 a year in the suburbs of London, at least £300 would be paid in any locality near this city.
As we have said before, Buenos Ayres is essentially a pleasure-seeking place; there are at present 26 theatres, several of which – such as the Opera Nacional and the Politeama – are spacious and magnificent buildings.
There are 20 markets, 55 clubs, 15 hotels, 122 schools, and a fire brigade of 7 companies, comprising 505 men, including 28 officers.
Buenos Ayres has 360 miles of gas pipes and 7,700 street lamps.
The Argentine National Army consists of about 1,395 officers and 6,498 men.
In case of emergency, however, this force can be raised, by calling out the reserves, to about 150,000.
A more villainous-looking horde than the rank and file of this army it would be indeed difficult to find.
On the other hand, the officers are resplendent in dazzling uniforms.
Drilling appears to be entirely thrown away upon the privates and the junior officers.
Twice a year – on the 25th May and the 9th July – this formidable force is reviewed and paraded in the Plaza Victoria.
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